Empowering Growers with
Generative AI

FAR (Foundation for Arable Research) is a research, development, and extension organisation
funded by New Zealand arable farmers.

Discover how Caitlyn’s AI empowers the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) by streamlining data access, driving insights, and enhancing research efficiency

FAR (Foundation for Arable Research) is a research, development, and extension organisation funded by New Zealand arable farmers. Their website hosts an extensive collection of thousands of research reports and extension documents, covering the cultivation and harvesting of over 40 different crops.


While the website is a treasure trove of valuable information, navigating it can be daunting, especially for growers seeking specific data quickly. Despite continuous improvements to search functions and tagging, users often encounter lengthy lists of documents, rather than targeted, seasonal information for specific crops and issues. This creates a frustrating experience for growers who need concise answers without wading through lengthy reports.


By integrating Caitlyn, our Generative AI platform, into the FAR website as ‘Ask FAR,’ we’ve empowered growers to access the precise information they need, quickly and effortlessly. This solution aims to transform the website from a complex repository of documents into the go-to resource for all arable farming needs.

FAR anticipates that this innovation will drive higher engagement and improve the uptake of their research and extension materials. In turn, this will enhance the return on research investments and simplify the lives of levy payers.


Increase in engagement with FAR's resources.

Saving Account - Dark X Webflow Template


Est. decrease in time to find answers

Stocks - Dark X Webflow Template


Organic impressions from media coverage

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Book a consultation with our experts to discuss how
generative AI could be leveraged in your organisation.